Monday, September 7, 2009


Well I am home from my beach weekend with the was a good time with some sad moments.
My brother completed his run and did proud of him!!!

I am use to being without Derek when I am with my family so that helped the situation. I had a few sad moments...I really wanted to call him a LOT and tell him what we were doing, how my brother did in the race, that I was on my way home, but he wouldn't answer...what a sad feeling.

My niece who is 3 was with us and I was nervous she would ask about where her uncle "D" was, she only said one thing about him the whole weekend...I wrote her name in the sand and she took the stick and made a "D" in the sand and I asked her what that letter was for and she said, "For your Derek"...precious and I told her yes it was....oh how I wish he was there with us to see her and play with us and carry her on his shoulders...she loved him and he loved her so much. He would always get so excited when I would let him listen to her voice messages or look at her pictures.

He would have been such a great daddy and I am saddened that we didn't get the opportunity to share that amazing joy together. But I am so thankful that our God knows what he is doing!!

All in all it was a good time...but there is nothing I wouldn't give to have had Derek there with us...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you got through this weekend ok. I'm happy as well that you had good times. I'm thinking that there will always be good times with sad moments, and you know what? That is ok.

    I agree...I too had a good time this weekend, made some new memories, but what I wouldn't give to have Shawn back with me.

    Keep taking things one day at a time and remember I know how you feel and I'm here if you would like to talk.
